I'm not on the list as I wrote no cards to no-one. I meant to but never got around to it. Or finish round 2 with last years catastrophic Dr Who story. Or do the small multitude of work for the people that I wanted to. Will do soon.

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !
Will Dawbarn, Sean Phillips, Matt Badham and the rest of the Huzzah!!! gang were not forgotten but cropped (with any other omissions) in my view of Santa's Good List.
Glad I made the list :D
Love it... can you do us a print of that, which I can put up every year?
Hope you and the family have a great one Warwick.
Squee! I'm on the list! Cheers WJC! :)
Now back to wrestling with my new-yet-somehow-not-working iPod...
Hope you guys had a good one, New Year next.
Fred, i'll send you one.
Hooray, I'm on the good list!
Belated Merry Christmas to ye and yers!
And much thanx Santa : )
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