I had a cracking time at the Bristol Expo, though have been 'Non Stop' since it was over (my comic con suitcase is sitting behind me with some of my swag as well as my own gear still in)
Any post con post is going to be so full of missed inclusions that i'm too nervous to try it. Below i'm linking to the first 5 I remember right now: I
saac Lenkiewicz,
Bertram Fiddle,
Zarjaz and
Boo Cook I would like to link to Flix Gillett (comic creator) and Nick Dyer (CRACKING old school 2000ad art style) but they've yet to get a web presence to link to.
Also to
Dean Beattie who was at the con but I didn't realise til yesterday (as I never left the Mercure site)
As I didn't leave the 'Small Press' part I didn't get a chance to buy the book I mainly wanted to get, David Hine and Shakey Kane's
The Bulletproof Coffin But I got it yesterday and it's a
Here's my go at The Coffin Fly

(First issue Free