Hooray! We're getting some reaction to our
anthology (follow that link if you want to buy it). It got a mention here at
MOMB. The Monkey On My Back gang may yet review it on their podcast, fingers crossed! Right now it's on
The Forbidden Planet blog, very positive too and I'm very grateful. Also, thanks to Chris
Reds Ready who was highly complimentary about the Defenders of Albion strip on my comments a while back.

Thanks a load all you guys, it's very much appreciated. Though my favorite review came from Morris the Mankiest Monster and Vern and Lettuce creator, the lovely
Sarah McIntyre. Who, after having read The Defenders of Albion strip for the first time sent a highly complementary email entitled 'Holy Shit!' That made me very happy.
Anyway, 'Defenders' part 2 is being knocked around right now.