Here he is again, this time his Nun with two Guns, and a technicolour beauty she is too. No guns? No problem, all action.
There is something going on with the Nun, it will be revealed but just not yet.

Already, I'm sheepishly remembering the exceptions Sorry Jonathan. They 'll be others, let me know.
New Nun!! Marco's done another beauty!
That wag Rob Davis correctly observed on Twitter that NW2G needs a blog of her own...!
Good old boys.
I'd like to do you a better Elka someday. Bit embarrassed by that old one :(
This is truly fantastic!
damn this books gonna rock!
had to do another one:
trying to use monkeyfeather's design...
geez...i think you've really got some great things happening here, warwick. real great.
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