To be frank, I just want this strip up and out of the way. I wanted it to look a lot better than it does, especially having been led by the amazing work of Marc Craste and Jon Klassen. It was meant to be a relatively painless strip to fit in around the pile of unpostable work i'm doing at the moment but it wasn't 'right' and I kept losing more time over it, so now it's done and up.
Thffrrrup, jog on!
Lovely work. The scratchy texture of the winter air, the bear's face in the last panel: all gold.
Thanks for the gold. I'd have gone with brassy.
Lovely! But Imakickyo ass if you don't get some better lettering fonts!
Yup, i'm font blind. Always have been. Will try harder (or get someone else to choose)
Just had a look at the Flickr page, what a great idea.
This is really nice. That winter air effect is cool - Brrrrr!
don't beat yourself up brother - this turned out sick
Thanks you guys. Sign up and join in if you like.
Also: which Beatles LP did you go with in the end? I love The White Album, but there's no way I'd recommend it to be anyone's first Beatles record.
It was Abbey Road and it's been great.
hi W, hope all is well
been following your blog for ages now, mate its truely fantastic,
I love your line work and your colouring. And the ease of which you draw....
hopefully see u at the Bristol con if u make it
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