And that's the last one, 100 Gungle drawings in 100 days. 100 drawings now for sale (on ebay soon)
There'll be more Gungle of course, and with these new arrivals?
Many thanks to the 100 Days Project hope you enjoyed the 'Do' tonight. Check out the all the stuff there, and join in next time it comes around, I will.
Now that you've reached 100, what's next? I hope you continue this story. I've been watching it since day 6 or something and have been enjoying it immensely. Thanks for what you've done so far, and lets have another hundred!!
Great work, Warwick. I've loved every panel.
Thanks loads fella's, there's always going to be more Gungle, sometime. Thank you for your enthusiasm.
Great (and a LOT of work) all throughout! Fantastic artwork and flow of it. A true pleasure!
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