Here's my ABC strip, not the regular ABC Warriors sort of thing as you can see.

UPDATE Here's the rest of the great guys you'll find in the NU-Earth fanzine; Matthew Taylor, Emma Douglas, Andrew Cheverton, James Newell, Ryan Taylor, Paul Fryer, Matthew Craig and Richard Johnson and Naniiebim.
I have 50 copies on the way, Will has a hundred I think, wether the above guys run copies, I don't know. Anyone who has requested one from me so far has a copy with their name on! Send your address and it'll go out when it's clothed in it's tangerine cover.
Farking hell, WJC. These are ace!
Utterly zarjaz: you've got every character down pat (no Mills-based pun intended), while the plot is 1000% pure WJC.
Have you or Will sent a copy to Current Tharg yet?
I'd like a copy :)!
These are cool.
How can I get one?
Jaysis Christ, that is fucking brilliant!!
--- Geoffrey D. Wessel
THANK YOU chaps! Copies are being pumped put as we speak. Mark, you have one in an envelope somewhere and PJ, I never did find you at MCM, but you'll get one for sure.
Any chance of a copy? I have money! :)
Scrotnig! How would I go about purchasing one of these?
Whoah chaps! No money, just patience. Email in the profile, let us know where they should go.
And again, thanks!
Yeah, that's just all kinds of excellent!
This is brilliant! Would love to get hold of a copy also.
That's fantastic! Zarjaz indeed!
I'd love a copy and all - I think you'll find yourself inundated with that request!
that boots glute!
rock on!
I really like ... really beautiful.
FRAKK! I just jumped thru the roof out of fanboy joy!
Thanks for posting the whole thing! It looks freaking lovely!!!!!
Thanks, all you guys are awsome!
Chaps- I'm going to be putting my name down for a copy as well! It looks truly Zarjaz!
You know how awesome I think this is.
Brilliant. Please can I have a copy too, Mr Johnson-Cadwell sir?
Can I have a copy please, I'm good for it as it can have a place in my Cellar of Dredd. That is truly an honour well deserved.
Fantastic pages W !
that looks great
zarjaz fo' real
Got my copy today. Thanks WJC!
Stories, design and print quality are all splundig.
I can't believe it's free, good on you. If you want to put a free full page ad or classified in my zine then let me know.
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