Today I hopped off the boat at 2pm, got a lift to the station and caught a train to the big bad city. Walked across London among desperate looking masses displaced from the underground trains and on to the Forbidden Planet to see
Jim Mahfood and
Scott Campbell. I am not going to the
Supreme Broship opening tomorrow night which was my plan so I made an effort to see them today. I bought some great, great stuff and got it signed and drawn on and came home with some cracking art pictured below at WJC HQ. Thanks chaps.
See the show, get the books. Say 'Hi' to those guys from me.
I can't pretend to know what these kids are up to - but "Ray Gun" has me incapacitated with chuckles everytime i look at it.
I never knew this was on! Shame. Looks like I missed a good show.
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