I've run out of time this morning to finish a decent round-up and I have something of a back log but this guy got finished. He has the second roundest head i'd ever seen.
The plan is to have the whole seasons PotD on a colour poster by the end. This little thing will come with me to Comica Comiket tomorrow (link to follow)
I was asked to participate in the next issue of Solipsistic Pop and am very happy indeed to join in with what is a fantastic project. Hope my strip fits in ok.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of the superb Sunnyside Podcast. I cannot recommend this highly enough. It is a source of great joy. Tweet them a congratulations or anything else for today's anniversary cast.
Got me a copy of No.1 Carspotter yesterday in the post from the great people at Walker books. A really enjoyable book to have been involved with too but the nippers have got it so I won't see it for a while.
Much better link here to a preview too (Thanks Jonathan)