Packing the old bag for The MCM Expo this weekend (sorry no link yet) I'll have a few bits, some comics (NBC, and Birdsong) though a thin stock for a collection of reasons. The 2000ad fanzine Nu Earth will appear with my ABC Warriors strip there but Kani will not be there in comic form. My trusty pen hand will be available for sketches for petrol money. Though my first attempt at a 'con sketch' at the UKThing left me a shakey wreck for a full hour afterward, more practise needed!

- See you there.
See you there... oh, wait...
That is a sweet looking collection of stuff.
Any chance you'll be posting any of that ABC Warriors story?
Wish you had a store so I could order some of your art junk...
I am at that! 2 Con Tables done now and 2 panics (and failures) to get junk ready to sell, an ongoing shope could keep a tidy level of stock at the ready.
I'm even wondering about a 'proper' website, about time?
That is a sweet looking collection of stuff.
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