
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2015

This coming weekend (16-18 October) is LICAF I was very lucky to have been a part of last years Festival, participating in the 24 Hour comic event (the result, Tom Hand is here)

This year the Titan hardcover of 21st Century Tank Girl is being launched 1 month before book shop release. I will be part of a panel on Saturday at The Brewery Arts Centre between 4-5. With Alan Martin- The Tankfather and Jonathan Edwards talking all about this stuff. We'll be signing the shiny new print of the book both before and after on the saturday and Alan and I will be part of an international line-up of comic talent on public display in a darts tournament on the sunday. There will be more Lakes updates this week as I remember the things I've forgotten.


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  22. My boyfriend has been to this festival. He liked it a lot. Unfortunately, it is no longer held. In case you want to know about other festivals, check the site https://essayslab.com/scholarship-essays-topics.html.
