

An old one i'd been saving.


Passenger's of the Day. Mon to Sat

Busy at work at present driving a boat about in the sunny weather. These guys are the most drawable passengers from the last six days, any favourites?

Will Kirkby does Gungle Art

Will Kirkby, Failboat Press co-captain and hero of self publishing went and did a Gungle piece

And it's a beaut, look forward to seeing how these pencils develop.


MCM Expo Finale (bout time)

Nearly a whole month after and I'm only just on this! Things are dead busy and there just are not enough hours in the day.

So, the first friendly face I saw at MCM last month was the mighty Joe List who was riding shotgun on John Allison's table. These two are the most splendid guys about and i'm sorry I stiffed 'em by not buying any of their great gear. Checking out those links is a must.
This guy here is a version of John's Wendigo tributing one of Joe's Weekender Annotations which just happens to be captured a ten minute dog walk from my home.

The last person I bumped into at the Expo weekend was John, who hadn't any books with him for me to buy but gave me a Scary Go Round tea towel, splendid.


Indoor Glastonbury

- Posted on my iPhone while waiting.



MCM Expo Part 6 Phonogram

It'll be time for the next MCM by the time I get this all done, 2 left including this one.

One of the very few things I did actually buy was Phonogram. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie's night in Bristol in the the lives of a group of young magic/ music worshippers. And it is cracking. I was directed to start with Phonogram 2; The Singles Club and now will catching up with all the others. I was utterly captured by the music 'interaction' with the stories. Then highly excited at the placing of action in part 7 at the bottom of Bristol's Park Street, including The Hatchet pub and the piss steps, places I know, which had a great personalising effect on the story.

Clearly, this ain't a picture from the book. But Tina Turner IS on the books soundtrack. This is from a dream I had one night in my years in Bristol, where Tina Turner and bears run a trading post selling Airfix model kits. Music is magic.


MCM Expo Part 5 Nu Earth zine.

I managed to get 4 copies of the Nu-Earth zine printed from a whole black cartridge and to the Expo. Fortunately Will did better with 19. The full thing is available through the post, let us know if you'd like one. I hope it's gone/ goes down well.

Here's my ABC strip, not the regular ABC Warriors sort of thing as you can see.

UPDATE Here's the rest of the great guys you'll find in the NU-Earth fanzine; Matthew Taylor, Emma Douglas, Andrew Cheverton, James Newell, Ryan Taylor, Paul Fryer, Matthew Craig and Richard Johnson and Naniiebim.

I have 50 copies on the way, Will has a hundred I think, wether the above guys run copies, I don't know. Anyone who has requested one from me so far has a copy with their name on! Send your address and it'll go out when it's clothed in it's tangerine cover.

MCM Expo Part 4 Birdsong/ Songbird

Lots of copies of Birdsong were bought by lots of nice people. I'm so happy to have been asked to join in with this book, it looks so good inside and out. Will and Lou were doing the Failboat thing there and Sarah McIntyre was selling them from her fantastically stocked table of goodies (and there's a dopey looking picture of me on the end of that link) Sadly, David O'Connell and Shakino where missing. I did a lot of talking about Birdsong #2 to everyone who was interested, including the marvelous Bob Etherington, who, accompanied by his brother Lorenzo (of the wild art) will be join us with a contribution to Birdsong 2. Out the other end of this year.

That guy up there is a main character in the next dose of Defenders of Albion.

More about Failboat's Nu-Earth Zine to come.

MCM Expo Part 3 of 5 or 6 (the blue nude lady)

This is clearly not going as smartly as planned and before I inevitably run out of steam I need to mention there will be people and things I will miss out. I don't mean to and I will get around to blowing their trumpets in due course.

This blue cosplady was my pick of the cosplayers when quizzed by Mike brandishing his microphone and Den of Geek badge. In actual fact she may not have been my favourite after all. The best cosplayers and indeed the best people there that weekend, were the two lovely ladies who bought stuff from my stall on saturday then again on sunday, you are smashing!

Fantastic artists and creators that I saw all too briefly and didn't get a chance to properly pester were Celine Choo, Cliodhna Lyons and Gary Northfield I look forward to catching up with you chaps another day.


MCM Expo Part 2 of . . . .

A week later and my MCM posts aren't done. It's been pretty lazy on the blog front while drawing jobs and day jobs in the sweet sweet sunshine have ruled lately. But at the MCM I managed to buy the first 2 Chloe Noonan comics off Marc Ellerby and I flippin loved them. Though I wanted to put up more of my sketches of the heroic cosplay fraternity, I managed to get this done this evening.


MCM Expo Part 1 of . . . .

Having cocked up a decent blog about the UK Webcomix Thing (the last one as it turns out) I thought i'd try and have a better go after the MCM Expo. Though i'll try it in a collection of little bits to allow me to remember as many people as I can.

This lady was one many Cosplay funsters who passed or paused at my table (featured) leaving their knickers/ tentacles/ gored bandages/ enormous papier mache weapons on display. As was mainly the case over the weekend the passers by were stopping to get a good load of the fantastic stuff on my neigbour Phillipa Rice's table. Wonderful stuff she had too, though I was too stingy to get the full set of work I did get the three 'Dwellings' books. An enormous treat they are too, go and treat yourself here.