
Skip to the end. And Merry Christmas!

05:14, run out of cough mixture, i'll be reaching for the eggnog in an hour or so anyway.


Skip to the end (nearly)

Here's the next three.
Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

If the next roughs dont make it they'll feature Tom Baker punching The Cowls alien heart out through his chest.

Then Tom consoling the mortally wounded Tennent while Time restores the '2 of one person in the same place quandary' by

regenerating the pair as a brand new Who.

My New Year Resolution being "don't get sick"

Merry Christmas everyone!


Episode 4

The other time travellers arrive to meet the other astro scientist, this time at the back door.

Unofficial Christmas Special (by any means necessary) Part 3 0f 10

This will be done on time, the germs are turning (god, i hope they're turning)


Christmas Special 2 of 10.

Inside the Exhibition of Foreign Terrors, something's clearly amiss

(Me, and this whole escapade have been sabotaged by germs. This picture should have been much better but i'm 2 days behind!)


Entirely Unofficial Christmas Special 1 of 10

A late night rendezvous, one Victorian Christmas. The time travellers arrive to meet an Astro-Scientist to investigate his fears with regard to the goings on at a new London exhibit.


Joe Pineapples!

By popular demand (Mark and Matt) here's pre-tranny Joe Pineapples. Done in a hurry.


Christmas with The Crooners

The Crooner's prepare canapes and cocktail fruits unaware that Frospy the snowman is sneaking in through the window to swig their booze and crap into their ice bucket.


C is for Cheating. And Cult o tron

Mark's right, there aren't any ABC Warriors beginning with C so I made The CultOtron. Specialities; bombs, dangerous handguns, hard rockin'.


A was for 'ammerstein, so B is for . . . .

Which leaves trouble for the next one . . . .


Doin' my ABC's

Todays pencil warm up.


Who's The Daddy?

Each year, at this time, the men of the most northern tribe endure a savage contest. The honour of 'The Sleigh Rider' goes to the victor while all other competitors must endure the Department Stores and Shopping Malls during The Great Celebration.



At this time of yearmany of us are preparing for the festivities, stocking up on sellotape, batteries and nuts. It is also a time to reflect on past times, same music, same telly, same posts.
Last years advent story countdown "The Pudding Factory' still lingers inside The Internet right here.
Alas, you'll get all the 24 +1 episodes at once, and in reverse order.


A quick warm-up drawing and overdue post.

Tension and peril in the jungle as The Tribe of One wrestles wild brass on a high precipice.


Jazz Club

Today proved to be a very difficult drawing day and in the midst of project breaks, hard won lines and insubordinate mark-making, this appeared. After which I got lost in the colour world of photoshop at which point I decided to leave it all alone for the day.

I do like the idea of going into a record shop to ask if they've got something that sounds like this?


Monday morning monster post.

I endured a truly dreadful Yeti movie last night, co-starring an ex-power ranger (spd red) though I cannot remember wether he got eaten or not. But it reminded me of this thing, a couple of years old now and hopefully not previously posted.



Here's my 2 penneth entered into Will Kirkby's 'make a monster to appear in The Sea' competition. Alas, I did not romp home with the grand prize but it was jolly good fun to do.


"mon chat Splash"

The Yellow Mark, Page 34, Panel 9. Captain Blake reveals to Professor Mortimer the device that would allow him to continue his investigations while continually enjoying Plastic Bertrand's hit 'Ca plane pour moi'.


This is Art

This is Art, he has a magic pencil . . .

. . . and pen and crayon and marker . . . .


The Big Namedropping Day Out

Sometime ago now, during the early stages of The Cauldron's rampage, I went on a 'link jammed' trip to London. I talked comics in a comic shop with Rufus Dayglo (signing Tank Girl stuff with Alan Martin 1-2 this sat at Forbidden Planet, London). Then met Jonathan Edwards, Feltmistress and Will Kane for further comic and cafe fun before visiting the superb Jon Burgerman exhibition which was wonderful. Topping it all off with a visit to Chris Garbutt at work. What a cracking day it was! Belated thanks to everyone for a great time.

Up there's the Dapper Luchador in a 3 piece pinched from the Burgerman exhibition.


The Cauldron Part 8

The 13 part horror story was meant to finish appropriately today but the last week or so got out of hand with work/ not work and rather than stuff it all in to meet my own Halloween deadline it'll carry on for another 5 days.


The Cauldron Part 1

Celebrating 200 posts, here's a 13 part shocker, not for the dainty.

Another BadLibrarian suggestion

Now, suddenly, i've got tons to do. I did not make the time to redraw the original Wrestling Wromance storyboard into a 2 page strip for The Graphic Short Story Prize. And have not even tarted up the first few panels to post here as planned. The Cauldron's appearance is imminent but here is a recently done image suggested by Mark for that portfolio of mine.


Tank Girl Portfolio Picture

Well, it looks like I'm not going to make the deadline for The Observer/ Cape/ Comica comp and The Cauldron is on the way (starts sunday fingers crossed). Here is the last unposted portfolio pic that went to Birmingham.

Jnr/ Snr Collaboration

Napoleon Solo escaping the clutches of 'Mr Salami' (WJC Jnr's idea, not mine)


Mixed Media

A (rough) experiment in mixing media, Pen Bloke and Pencil Gal have a coffee.


'The Bloodkillers'

Having returned from a days fishing yesterday, my youngest son asked if i'd seen any 'Bloodkillers' out there.

"They have a bomb for a head, a tigers body and a whales tail"

I had to admit that I hadn't seen one. Thinking about it today though, he is only just four and i'm suspicious that he may have actually made them up.


New Post Quiz

Match the poorly rendered characters to their respective links on the right.
(just for fun. Clue: New links only)


Bikers vs Goblins (these are the bikers)

The Cauldron is coming and the blog is going to get dark and horrible judging by the way it's taking shape. So here's something cheerier. Bikers setting out to rescue The Biker Princess from the goblins. From about 2 years ago.


Left Behind

Here are a couple of rough pages that didn't get finished for the portfolio.