
The Cauldron Part 8

The 13 part horror story was meant to finish appropriately today but the last week or so got out of hand with work/ not work and rather than stuff it all in to meet my own Halloween deadline it'll carry on for another 5 days.


The Cauldron Part 1

Celebrating 200 posts, here's a 13 part shocker, not for the dainty.

Another BadLibrarian suggestion

Now, suddenly, i've got tons to do. I did not make the time to redraw the original Wrestling Wromance storyboard into a 2 page strip for The Graphic Short Story Prize. And have not even tarted up the first few panels to post here as planned. The Cauldron's appearance is imminent but here is a recently done image suggested by Mark for that portfolio of mine.


Tank Girl Portfolio Picture

Well, it looks like I'm not going to make the deadline for The Observer/ Cape/ Comica comp and The Cauldron is on the way (starts sunday fingers crossed). Here is the last unposted portfolio pic that went to Birmingham.

Jnr/ Snr Collaboration

Napoleon Solo escaping the clutches of 'Mr Salami' (WJC Jnr's idea, not mine)


Mixed Media

A (rough) experiment in mixing media, Pen Bloke and Pencil Gal have a coffee.


'The Bloodkillers'

Having returned from a days fishing yesterday, my youngest son asked if i'd seen any 'Bloodkillers' out there.

"They have a bomb for a head, a tigers body and a whales tail"

I had to admit that I hadn't seen one. Thinking about it today though, he is only just four and i'm suspicious that he may have actually made them up.


New Post Quiz

Match the poorly rendered characters to their respective links on the right.
(just for fun. Clue: New links only)


Bikers vs Goblins (these are the bikers)

The Cauldron is coming and the blog is going to get dark and horrible judging by the way it's taking shape. So here's something cheerier. Bikers setting out to rescue The Biker Princess from the goblins. From about 2 years ago.


Left Behind

Here are a couple of rough pages that didn't get finished for the portfolio.


Portfolio Pages.

Here are a couple more pages that went with Abe (below) to BICS at the weekend. I've got a whole load of stuff to remember/ untangle from the weekend and I can see that 'Links' list getting a lot longer too.


Mike Mignola says . . . .

. . . "nobody i'd rather see mangle my characters"


Moleskin Samurai

Sketch from this January's A6 Moleskin.


Quick Post

For no sensible reason I have timed this warm up, from plain paper to posting now in 23 min 31 secs. (One redraw included)